Tax Strategies for Investors

Join Michael Robideau for a Q&A session on the best tax strategies that you can implement in your real estate investing business.

Michael Robideau, CPA

Thank you to Michael & Holly Robideau for teaching our Tax Strategies for Investors (and Agents) this past Friday. A completely unforeseen change in our personal schedule prevented me from being present in person, but from the looks of the video there was a lot of great content covered.

A word of warning about the video.. Zoom was apparently having some issues, so parts of the video are broken up and it seems like a little might have been cut off at the end. There’s still a good solid hour of content that I think we can all learn from.

Holly was nice enough to share the class handout, so I’ve provided a link below for you to download:

And of course, if you’re needing a good CPA to save you a bunch of money… Mike’s your guy… as he is with a bunch of our agents.

You can reach him here:

Michael Robideau, CPA
(281) 240-6980

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